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Tokyo Nishi Tokushukai hospital

  • *For more information, please contact us at+81-42-500-4433

Inquiry by email

Inquiry by email

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Please contact us by following form if you have any question or concern about our medical services.
Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Please fill out all fields then click 「confirmation」below.

Please note that we may call you if our email did not get delivered to you.
Please make sure your mobile mail is set up to accept our email address 「」
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For basic policy on the protection of personal information

※For us of the protection of personal information about the basic policy, and please confirm from here.

The use of personal information is in our hospital, the following will carefully read the contents, on your note, so that you will apply the inquiry, thank you.

Please send upon check in Please confirm "agree" the basic policy regarding the protection of personal information.